LEAP AND YOU: The role of personal branding in the workplace
Corporations invest in employee development programs to both recruit and retain talent. Promoting employee engagement is important. Only 33-percent of employees say they are engaged in their work, according to Gallup’s recent State of the American Workplace Report.
But often these programs consider the corporation first, and the individual characteristics of the employees second. LEAP takes a different approach, providing a framework for employees to build and maximize their personal brands.
At American Express, a recognized leader in employee engagement, select groups of employees have the opportunity to work with LEAP to develop their personal brands. 100% of April 2017 workshop participants said they would recommend the workshop to peers.
LEAP’s unique approach uses a series of hands-on exercises to promote self-discovery. Supported by experienced LEAP coaching and guided branding expertise, employees incorporate their unique traits into one seamless, powerful personal brand story.
Every participant receives their own personal roadmap—the LEAP LaunchPad—for living their brand authentically. The key elements: headline, tagline, photo and image, which serve as the foundation for employees to communicate their brand.
The process of creating a LEAP LaunchPad provides employees with new perspectives and serves as a checkpoint for important decisions—personal or professional – leading to employees that are more engaged, more focused and more productive.