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Fresh Takes on “Midlife Crisis.”

midlife crisis

David Brooks’ recent OpEd piece at shows a fresh perspective on what happens when we hit midlife. This is a period of life that is normally labelled a ”crisis” but as Brooks argues, views on this important transitional period have changed. Turns out, important life transitions are opportunities to grow and redefine yourself.

LEAP urges everyone to embrace where you are in life by articulating your personal brand. Follow our motto: Your Personal Brand: Find it. Own it. Live it.

  • Find it. LEAP engages you in the process of defining and creating a personal brand that focuses on what truly matters. We use proven coaching techniques to help you reconnect with who you are. You complete exercises focused on getting at your core values, your dreams, your superpowers, and so on. The result is an inspiring and motivating platform – your own LaunchPad - that sets the stage for a smooth landing into midlife or whatever your stage of life.

  • Own it. Believe in your brand! LEAP gives you tangible tools for integrating your personal brand into your public and private identities. Make your LaunchPad work for you -- it’s the means to make your brand work for you. We provide guidance on implementing your brand throughout your communication platforms – website, online profiles, resume, elevator pitch – you name it!

  • Live it. Be authentic. You’ve made the effort to find yourself through your personal brand. Now is the time to truly LEAP to where you want to be. Keep in mind that your LaunchPad is a snapshot of where you are now. As you live your brand, it may change and evolve. We’re here to help when you need us. We follow up with three check-ins to support you in “living your brand.”

Read Brooks’ editorial for fresh perspectives on midlife: references include Life Reimagined by Barbara Bradley Hagerty, a new book about midlife today, and the writings of theologian Karl Barth who uses the word “LEAP” in his description of this important phase: “the sowing is behind; now is the time to reap. The run has been taken; now is the time to leap. Preparation has been made; now is the time for the venture of the work itself.” The Middle-Age Surge

LEAP to the midlife you want!

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